When you woke up this morning your feed was different.

Facebook Changes Impact Showrooms, Agencies, Manufacturers & Marketers

Ok so this may not be breaking news, so unless you have been on a hiatus from the news, which I encourage, you know about the Facebook changes. Simply put, fewer posts will be visible from Brands, Media Houses, and the Pages you like. What you will get is more posts from friends, families, and groups you belong to.

This means it will be challenging to get interaction and reach using non-promoted content that has worked and stood out for the last four years.

Facebook will prioritize posts that invite interaction and conversation between people.

Facebook will predict the posts to show at a higher frequency based on the likelihood that you, your followers and your friends may want to see and interact with them.

This will cause you to work harder and pay more for ads than ever before because

Facebook will be limiting the public content it shows, including videos, posts from publishers and businesses. Your showroom pages will see their reach and traffic decrease.

The type of content you produce and how people interact with that content matters in the ways it will be seen.

To determine the impact on your page only takes a minute. Scroll through your posts to see the average number of page reactions or comments that you get. If there are few comments or responses, you may see an extreme decrease in general distribution. Pages posts that promote conversations will see less of a loss. Warning or the way I see it hooray; those that are using click-bait to generate interaction will be penalized.

Bottom line your costs are going to get higher. Social media has broken the mainstream barrier, and it can no longer be held back as a primary advertising medium.

What this means to marketers like me is that only the serious players will remain in the market as there’s not a lot of depth left from benefitting from casual posts. Your showroom and the brands you represent must begin producing the appropriate content to rank in the feed and then promoting that content more aggressively than ever before.

Want to know what content will work for you? This will vary based on your current use of digital distribution. For specific details connect with me at market and let’s talk.

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